A photo from open sources
Statistics show that over the past half century, fishing in the world has declined by about forty million tons, with The planet’s population has increased significantly during this time. In what the reason for this reduction? Really in lakes, rivers, seas and oceans less fish?
According to researchers for whom these statistics are this is only one of the indicators of the ecological catastrophe of the Earth, fish and sea animals actually getting smaller that too alarming. But the reduction in fish catch does not depend on this, because a person every year only improves technologies for detecting and mining all living things that live under water, therefore – there would be a demand. It turns out that the population has become consume less fish?
A photo from open sources
We fish less – eat more meat
That’s right, the researchers say, but at the same time people consume meat more and more. And this becomes a real disaster for our planet, animal husbandry literally destroys her. For the needs of the livestock industry Ninety percent of the forests have already been cut down. Fifty percent greenhouse gases we don’t know how to deal with to stop the warming promising the Earth ecological and climate disasters on a planetary scale animal husbandry. This is three times more than clogging the planet. transport sector, about which there is much more noise than about animal husbandry.
Just think that at the dawn of humanity, ninety percent wild animals occupied the Earth’s biomass, but today the same figure matches livestock and poultry, while wild animals in our time do not reach up to three percent of the total biomass. Livestock consumes one third of all fresh water planets because the production of one livestock kilocalories have to spend twenty to thirty kilocalories plant growing, which occupies just colossal territories, recaptured from the wild.
A photo from open sources
Humanity kills itself with milk and meat – cattle plot
Milk and dairy products (other than mother’s milk), as proven scientists are not orthodox, harmful to our body, as, however, meat that is practically not processed, that is, we are from it we take a minimum of benefit. But harm! .. It turns out that humanity has developed and is increasingly improving an industry on a planetary scale, which destroys the Earth and Homo sapiens himself, just for the sake of some taste pleasures. This is not to mention the ethical side. such an attitude towards animals that are quite developed consciousness.
A photo from open sources
At the same time, millions of vegans who do not eat meat live on Earth, live and feel great – both physically and morally plan. But their experience is not only not distributed and not propagandized, and in every way kept silent and even exposed obstruction by scientists, doctors and nutritionists standing on service to livestock owners and Illuminati turning through the meat of people in obedient slaves since we all we are what we eat …
It’s no coincidence that the authors of the documentary you are offering concerning this burning problem of our time, called his “cattle plot”. The fact is that even environmentalists today, and of all stripes, trumpeting anything, bashfully silent about the main the environmental problem of mankind – about animal husbandry, about the harmful effects of milk and meat consumption. And what about the rest officials and ordinary inhabitants, whose consciousness is literally poisoned by meat, with meat of the lowest quality, name to which, just think, slaughter cattle and slaughter bird …
Water Fish Time