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This article is for those who have a brain – a working tool, from whose productivity depends on material well-being and the owner himself and his family members.
Not everything depends on nature
All people are born different. Not just physical data, but nature endows people with mental abilities not in equal degrees. At the age of 5, one child immediately resolves logical tasks, and the other is tormented by the search for simple solutions. But by 20 they compared, after another 10 “slow-witted” becomes brilliant an analyst and a generator of non-standard ideas and solutions, and “prodigy” thinks in frank cliches. Does it all depend on only from mother nature?
Children with extraordinary physical characteristics are born in millions. But only thousands of them become professional athletes, and Olympic champions – units. Every athlete takes care develops and trains his body. The man of mental work also must protect, develop and train your brain.
Train your brain!
What do you recommend to a young person who wants to buy athletic build? Of course, go to the gym. None miraculous pills will not replace daily physical exercises.
A photo from open sources
If you want to “pump” not muscles, but the brain – train it, load with work. Read books. Not the yellow press, but fiction, historical, and cognitive literature. Let be your brain tenses, transforming text into visual images, seeks and finds analogies in today’s events.
Watch TV: documentaries, news, analytical programs, and certainly – different channels! Getting information from “opposite poles”, compare it, analyze, isolate the main thing, draw conclusions.
Feed the brain!
Do you know how athletes eat? Carefully selected diet, diets, vitamin complexes. The brain is also a physical body. Only bread and water is not enough for him. More natural foods. and as few concentrates as possible. Do not overeat. Greasy athletes are just sumo wrestlers. Everyone else is in control every kg of his body. Ease of movement = ease of thought.
Let your brain relax!
Can a person physically work for days on end? Not, you say. Mental labor is no less tiring than physical. It is useless, even harmful to load the brain, based on the principle of “think” – these are not bags to carry. “He will withstand the emergency, but constant overload – no.
Get enough sleep. If a person regularly lacks sleep, he is not a genius will never.
Give up bad habits
Do you often see athletes drinking? Physical health and alcohol incompatible. How many vodka killed! But first of all alcohol kills the brain. Holidays and birthdays no one cancels (and athletes mark them), but if you will regularly “lay behind the collar” – do not be surprised if you forget it by 50 multiplication table, and by 60 your home address will be written to leaflet.
A healthy brain in a healthy body
In the interviews given, athletes do not forget to mention that even with outstanding physical data, mental abilities never are superfluous. But the “thinker” also has physical activity necessary. A day-long non-outgoing mental genius – rare an exception. If your child has math abilities, this does not mean that he can not go out for days at home. Remember: physically inactive people are very degraded quickly.
In this case, you do not need to set records. As evidenced by studies, even a 20-minute walk at a fast pace immediately before testing it increases brain activity by 5%. So run, jump, squat, in a word, in every way load your cardiovascular system.
Take care of the brain!
The vast majority of people violate all these rules, all beside. But if you earn (or plan to earn) head, and not for 20-30 years, but all my life – follow them necessary. As a pianist takes care of his fingers, take care of your brain, and he will be your breadwinner for many years.