Well-known astrologer has denied predictions about the end Sveta

A photo from open sources

Well-known Canadian astrologer Tim Stevens said that, in his opinion, doomsday December 21, 2012, which allegedly indicates the Mayan Indians calendar will not. Stevens notes that the probability that the end of the world will come on December 21 2012 is about the same as on any other day or year. “I wish Merry Christmas to all people who believe in the Mayan prophecy about the end of the world. Meet me on the other side – after December 21, “- written by a Canadian astrologer. The canadian said that he gets a large number of letters asking to talk about positive and negative aspects between the planets on December 21. According to him, this December alone there will be 13 different planetary aspects that is the average for each month from the moment the formation of the solar system. “If we add aspects here with The moon, then there will be 94 in December. It is also practically normal monthly rate. Therefore say that it will be a month when the world is gone would be a clear mistake. If only one of them will not entail the end of the world, “- says astrologer.

End of the World Mayan Civilization

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