Whales can save the planet from global climate change

Whales can save the planet from global climate change.A photo from open sources

Scientists have found that phytoplankton and whales can reduce processes the greenhouse effect is almost to zero. These creatures in huge quantities absorb carbon dioxide, while emitting even more oxygen that all other sources cannot do together The earth. The results of this study are published in the IMF.

According to environmentalists, if you increase the population of whales by at least 2 percent, then for the planet this will give a very tangible effect, and significantly larger than planting billions of trees.

Whales (blue, gray, humpback and bowhead) throughout about 30 tons of carbon dioxide are consumed in their lives, which after the death of the animal remains in a solid state, and then the ocean ecosystem processes it without leaving negative environmental impact. For example, one tree per ten-year period absorbs less than 250 kilograms of carbon dioxide gas.

In addition, whales saturate water throughout their lives. iron and nitrogen, thereby contributing to the growth of phytoplankton. About 50 percent of all oxygen on Earth is produced by these microscopic creations while consuming over 37 billion tons of carbon dioxide, which is equal to 40 percent of carbon dioxide, produced by people. Phytoplankton efficiency by productivity equals four amazon forests or 1.7 trillions of trees.

Scientists believe that if the performance of phytoplankton is raised by 1 percent, then hundreds of millions will be “removed” from the environment tons of carbon dioxide per year, equivalent to two billion added trees. Unfortunately, in the waters of the oceans, where there is lack of phosphorus, nitrogen or iron, phytoplankton significantly smaller. However, in places where whales live, plankton is found more often.

Environmentalists say that in recent decades, the whale population decreased by 75 percent due to an increase in whaling. Experts also estimated that if the whale population was returned of that period, then these animals will reduce the carbon dioxide content in Earth’s atmosphere at 1.7 billion tons per year. However for this it will take at least thirty years – provided that the world the community will do its best.

Andrey Vetrov

A life

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