A photo from open sources
And in the US space department recommend updating the calendar Maya, just as annually on the wall a tear-off calendar is hung on new year beginning on January 1st. NASA experts on their website posted a rebuttal that on December 21 planet Earth will survive cataclysm capable of destroying all life. Scientists cite that over the past 4 billion years with our planet nothing this did not happen, but because under the idea of the end of the world there is no no scientific justification. According to one of the apocalyptic versions with Earth must be faced by some wandering planet whose existence in our solar system was predicted by the Sumerians. However, the moment of disaster, predicted by ancient civilization, accounted for May 2003. So when that date is past, lovers of speculating on human emotions turned to a new the mark – December 21, 2012. This date is the end one of the Mayan calendar calendar cycles. And then experts from NASA note that the Mayan system does not ends on December 21, just as the end does not come annually light on January 1 due to the fact that your kitchen is over last sheet of tear-off calendar. Rejected by NASA and speculation About. That the earth’s poles roll over and swap places, oh global outbreak of the sun that will change the magnetic pole of the earth and various other, smaller catastrophic scenarios, like collisions with a meteorite and turning off the light throughout USA.
But what really happens is the next winter solstice when the inhabitants of the northern hemisphere live the most short daylight hours of the year. After this date, daylight hours starts to increase again. It is worth noting another cosmic a phenomenon that took place on the eve of November 28. Last in this year, a “private” penumbra lunar eclipse could be observed at all over Russia. Although Muscovites are unlucky again. how The Moscow Planetarium’s staff said, “weather permitting, you can see only a slight darkening of the lunar disk with one side, since the moon will not fully enter the penumbra of the Earth. ” Given the ongoing snowfall in the capital, the event was held for Muscovites unnoticed.
Doomsday Moon NASA Russia USA Maya Civilization