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In the news, we constantly see reports of powerful hurricanes, disastrous floods, large-scale droughts and other devastating natural phenomena. And increasingly, mainly within the framework of various conspiracy theories, there are replicas that these elemental disasters – the result of the use of a new type of weapon – climatic. American scientist Moshe Alamaro (Moshe Alamaro) from Massachusetts University of Technology claims that hurricane management technologies exist. Essence lies in the artificial regulation of temperature at various areas of an emerging tornado. Motion control carried out by targeted heating or cooling of certain areas by soot sowing, water evaporation, irradiation microwaves, laser, and the like. According to the scientist, excellent a large marine vessel will be a way of influencing the wind, equipped with two dozen jet engines that create powerful upward flow of air. In just a few hours of work the engines begin to form a tornado, and it obediently follows by ship. In practice, equip the ship with a similar “tornado generator” not difficult. Tsunami bomb Recent events in Japan and powerful tsunami in Indonesia in 2004 makes you wonder: is it possible cause such catastrophic phenomena artificially? 10 years ago secret public project became public Project Seal (1944-1945). This military program is under scientific the guidance of Professor Thomas Leech suggested the explosion on the seabed of a large number of explosives that was supposed to cause a local tsunami washing away buildings on enemy coast. Low power tests conducted in the Pacific ocean, near the Wangaparaoa Peninsula (New Zealand). Members experiments considered them successful, but it is still unknown what actually ended this project. Later also held numerous sea trials of powerful atomic bombs that more suitable for creating giant waves. There is evidence that Thomas Lich himself was planned to be sent to the nuclear venue trials on the Bikini Atoll, to collect information useful to tsunami bomb project. As far as is known, he is not in these tests participated. But back to today’s events and ask the question is whether the recent devastating tsunamis can be associated with using atomic tsunami bombs? In fact, it turns out that to prove the fact of an underwater nuclear explosion, which also occurs amid a strong earthquake, extremely difficult, and the charge of killing tens of thousands of people requires serious evidence. It should also be said that developed countries are vulnerable for tsunami bombs, not so many, and among them the UK, Japan. But the United States is most vulnerable. Ionosphere strike The ionosphere is a part of the upper layers of the Earth’s atmosphere, located at an altitude of 50 km. It contains a large amount ions and free electrons that protect us from space radiation. The influence of the ionosphere on the Earth’s climate is not fully understood, but it is assumed to be significant. Impact on the ionosphere with the goal of creating destructive natural phenomena is the most controversial and most debated part of the history of the geophysical weapons. The debate is compounded by the fact that two instruments of influence on the ionosphere is widely known: high-frequency Russian emitter SURA and a similar but larger American HAARP complex. Initially, both units were built as experimental stands for exploring the potential impact on the ionosphere to disrupt radio communications, interception of ballistic missiles and other flying apparatuses. HAARP and SURA installations using high frequency radiation can heat a certain part of the ionosphere and create a plasmoid – a plasma clot consisting of magnetic fields and plasma. The plasmoid has high energy, it is potentially able to destroy electronics, as well as reflect radio emission. Thus, using settings of type HAARP, you can create giant radio lens reflecting the radio beam in the selected direction or vice versa – absorbing it. Actual installation allows project electromagnetic radiation anywhere in the world. The radiation power remains a mystery. It is believed that the installation HAARP in Alaska is capable of delivering up to 3.6 MW, and SURA – 750 kW. However, it is believed that the United States erected similar installations in others regions: Australia, Greenland, Norway and Asia. Various rumors and the myths surrounding HAARP are many. Lovers of conspiracy theories believe that the installation is capable of causing earthquakes, emitting some “resonant” waves that provoke movements of the earth’s crust. There are opinions that HAARP radiation can even cause panic and insanity of thousands of people. As “examples” are given numerous earthquakes in different corners of the Earth, popular riots and military coups. Books are written about how the USA and the USSR (and subsequently, Russia) exchanged “geophysical impacts” and this Climate war continues to this day. But all these “evidence”, backed by photographs of unusual clouds, large hailstones, strange lightning and colored rains, usually due to ordinary atmospheric events or the result industrial activity. Resolve the dispute whether HAARP and SURA weapons, can answer the question: is the low energy capable of these high-frequency emitters run powerful natural processes cataclysms? Most atmospheric scientists doubt it. Suffice it to recall that the sun is daily brings down on the ionosphere orders of magnitude more energy, and atomic explosions in a second direct power to the earth’s crust, not comparable to the radiation of even thousands of HAARP antennas. Numerous experiments conducted on ionospheric heaters in Arecibo and on other installations, showed that it is impossible to cause long changes in the ionosphere – all disturbances introduced by man, fade in a few seconds or minutes. In addition, heating ionosphere is impossible during the day because of the sun ultraviolet radiation D-region of the ionosphere (60-90 km) absorbs the radio waves that HAARP uses. Of course, you can’t to exclude the military use of installations such as HAARP and SURA, the military may be working on promising technologies allowing the use of ionospheric heating for electronic fighting, disabling satellites, ballistic missile warheads, as well as for horizontal communication. However looks dubious involvement of modern devices, even with energy tens of megawatts to earthquakes and tsunamis that release thousands of gigawatts every second. In the future, heating the ionosphere heavy duty high frequency emitters can be used in as a geophysical weapon, for example, as a way of weakening ozone layer over enemy territory or heating the atmosphere with aim to influence natural processes. This requires accurate real-time modeling of the Earth’s atmosphere and huge energetic resources. Secret weapon reasoning about geophysical weapons are rarely accompanied by a demonstration of facts. it naturally – its essence is secrecy. Natural management disasters make no sense if it attracts the attention of the world public – in this case, it’s easier to do economic pressure and precision shots. At the peak of active work on the creation of a geophysical weapon in 1977, a convention was signed UN “On the prohibition of military and any other hostile use means of impact on the natural environment. ” Her purpose is to prevent the use of the environment as a means warfare, such as provoking hurricanes, tidal waves and etc. This document is signed by the leading countries of the world and sets geophysical weapons on a par with nuclear. Large-scale geophysical shock now will cause not only condemnation world community, but also serious responses comparable to reaction to a nuclear attack. It follows from this that “strategic” geophysical weapons that could lead to disasters like Hurricane Katrina in 2005 or drought in Russia in 2010, either not applied, or there is a global conspiracy of governments of dozens of countries, including to the detriment of their own interests. The latter seems highly unlikely. However the use of geophysical weapons is limited territory is not only possible, but inevitable. US military did not abandon the idea of changing the weather at local military theaters action. Moreover, related technologies are planned work out by 2025. Tactical advantages are creating low clouds covering aircraft from ground surveillance, fog hiding ground forces and so Further. Climate-change technology projects are pulled in shadow ”with generous military funding. It is hoped that people Still, they will not lose their right to sunlight, heat, water and air.
War Water Time Earthquakes Climate Climatic Weapons Rockets Russia USA Japan HAARP