Photo from open sources
The amazing thing about this story is that such a simple psychological effect, as individual perception of shades of color by each probably, every traffic police employee suddenly became a man the reason for the fantastic popularity of the picture of an ordinary dress in strip laid out by the Scottish Caitlin McNeill.
On the web, controversy flared up immediately: what color is the dress? Someone claimed that they are black and blue, someone – golden and white. Other called their colors.
For a day this photo has gained such popularity that in the discussion its colors were attended even by Juliana Moore, Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber and Kim Kardashian. For example, Taylor found stripes on a dress blue and black, and Julianne – blue and white.
What is the color of this dress?
The dispute was resolved by the author of the picture, which admitted that in fact In fact, the dress was in blue and black stripes.
Specialists have long been aware of this effect of individual color perception by every person. It is for this reason that it is often so hard to decide in a traffic accident, what color was the car hiding from the scene of the accident. Some witnesses say blue, others say red and so on. Moreover, according to psychologists, such a difference in color perception is explained not only by individual structure eyes, but also the emotional state of a person at the time of perception him of this or that object of reality.
Well, well, we figured out the color, but how users will react web when they see a spider dress?