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The proposed face map will help you independently, quickly and easy to diagnose your health and based on this – correct it in a timely manner.
This, of course, is more relevant to the prevailing personality, and not to a teenager who has facial skin problems more often all associated with transitional age. However … and they can draw from this card faces a lot of useful things for yourself, especially that the main cause of all diseases and skin problems is incorrect nutrition and thinking.
So, if you have pimples on a particular area of the face or some other defects, it means – something is wrong with the work internal organs.
1 and 3 zones: digestive system and urinary bubble – drink water, for example, be sure to at least on an empty stomach in the morning three glasses (preferably even hot). It is water, not tea and other drinks, which in fact are no longer water, but food. Ordinary person in general does not drink clean water, but it is just the best cleaner for of our body.
Zone 2: the liver – first give up dairy products, our body does not need them at all, creating excess load on the liver and unnecessary mucus in the body. Besides all the parasites living in us just love dairy products – do it conclusions. The liver is also seriously affected by alcohol, not abuse them. By the way, hot peppers protect the liver from damage.
4, 6, 8 and 10 zones: kidneys – all the same advice: drink more clean water. For some time you can do before lunch sit on the same water. If you get used to it, it will be easy wonderful! Soon you will notice how it will change for the better. your health, lose weight and you even get younger.
5 and 9 zones: respiratory system – throw smoke, be outdoors more often, think about cleansing air in the room in which you are most of the time. This is done simply – with the help of indoor plants, moisturizers and ionizers. It does not hurt to do breathing exercises.
Zone 7: the heart – it is treated correctly life: proper nutrition and proper thinking. Last even much more important. Make it a rule to think kindly about everything, Rejoice at everything, even the bad (at least – smile, let even through force), and without fail for everything to thank Life surrounding you people, the universe. And problems with the heart, and not only with it, will leave without any doctors and medicines.
12 zone: stomach – eat right. Enter in the diet more fresh fruits and vegetables, try to use the so-called separate nutrition. And do not overeat. Not hurt already the above is pure in the most common pure water – drink it until lunch without eating anything (the later you start eating, the better). AND all problems with the stomach will go away as if by themselves.
11 and 13 zones: hormones – various hormonal changes and effects of stress. The tips are the same – right eat and drink more clean water. Women wishing to distance old age, that is, the onset of menopause and other irreversible age hormonal changes, we can advise you to switch to a raw food diet, to do Norbekov’s joint gymnastics and, in general, not to despair, since there are many ways to prolong youth. Keep track of information in our section – Useful tips.
Zone 14: any infection is a sign that the body fights bacteria. Drink more clean water, make fasting day – starve for 36 hours. We start in the evening, on the next day we drink only clean water, on the second day we drink it until lunch. We leave hunger strike with the help of fresh fruits.
By the way, to improve the condition of internal organs it is possible (and even need!) just massage the corresponding points. Special intensively massage the auricles that have a connection with almost all organs. Make it a rule to do it though once a day – in the morning.
If you follow the map of your face and perform the above recommendations, then you and your face will be younger, and health will increase and, most importantly, you will forget about doctors and medicines. And what could be better than life – without medicine!
Water Time Life Health Fruit