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The first place in the list of the most popular fruits among children takes an apple. According to research, apples make up 20 percent of the total number of fruits that used by children aged 2 to 19 years. Followed by them citrus fruits and bananas. The latter confidently remain in second place, accounting for 6.8 percent of total fruit consumption.
Researchers have found that children and adolescents are able to eat about 0.3 kilograms of fruit daily. Half this amount make up whole fruits. Ministry of Health and Rural household in the US recommends consuming for children and adolescents from 200 up to 500 grams of fruit every day, given the gender and age of children.
“It’s worth remembering that natural fruits are healthy type of food that does not contain sugar or fat and contains fibers useful to the child’s body, “- researchers say in their report in the journal Pediatrics.
According to scientists, juice is the second most a common product that children love. According to research, out of 100 percent of fruit juices consumed 30% falls to the lot of children.
Nutritionist Katherine Tallmage who was not involved in the study states that drinking juices is not bad at all, because in them contains the same nutrients as natural fruit. But still, if you drink only juice, it can lead to one problem – children will stop receiving the necessary vitamins from fruits, as their substitutes will be purchased juices.
In last place among the most consumed by children “fruit products’ are dried fruits. They occupy 0.6 percent of the total amount, and at the same time they are most often eaten by children in ages two to five years.
According to the study, apples and citrus fruits make up half of total total fruit consumption in childhood.
“But in this case it’s worth remembering about diversity,” says Catherine. Even if children are very fond of apples or oranges, they must pay attention to other types of fruits.
Each fruit contains a perfectly balanced amount nutrients and vitamins. Therefore the more different fruits we eat, the more useful elements we get. And in the nursery age is crucial.
In 2010, researchers from the Netherlands concluded that children will most often eat the fruits that are offered to them in beautiful play form. That’s why parents should come up with original ways to interest the child and make pay attention to this type of natural nutrition. it It works not only with young children, but also with adolescents. Fruit should be accessible and interesting, and only then will they become favorite food for children.