At the end of the last century, scientists were confident that the universe expands, and gravity slows down this process. In fact the fact of deceleration was not proved, but existed only in theory. Then in 1998, with the Hubble Space Telescope, scientists saw distant supernovae and it showed that a long time ago The universe expanded much more slowly than it does now. therefore gravity did not slow the expansion of the universe, as everyone believed, but accelerated. Scientists still have not determined exactly the cause of the acceleration, but they gave it a name – dark energy. What is dark energy? Little is known about her. Dark energy is known a lot because it affects the expansion of the universe. Presumably dark energy accounts for 70% of the entire universe, dark matter – 25%, and everything else is ordinary matter, everything from what our usual world consists of – less than 5%.
A photo from open sources Dark energy is a property of the cosmos. Albert Einstein was the first to suggest that space is not empty a place. It has amazing properties that a person only began to understand. The first property discovered by Einstein was the possibilities of the universe to expand. Also as part of his theory gravity about the cosmological constant he suggested that in empty space may have its own energy, which does not disappear as expansion of the universe. Thus, the larger the cosmos, the larger there is energy in it. As a result, this energy can accelerate expansion The universe. But, unfortunately, no one understood why there is a cosmological constant, and especially why it affects the expansion of the universe. Another explanation comes from theory matter. According to this theory, “empty space” consists of intermittent particles that form and disappear. However in this a case of dark energy in space would be billions of billions of times more. It has also been suggested that dark energy is a new species. dynamic energy that fills the cosmos. Scientists gave this energy name – quintessence, but could not describe it, explain its source and properties. Last guess disproves Einstein’s theory of gravity. Dark energy is not only affects the expansion of the universe, but also on the behavior of ordinary matter in galaxies. Thus, a new energy could emerge from the dark energy. theory of gravity. There are various explanations for what is dark energy – a property of the cosmos, a new dynamic substance or a new theory of gravity. To understand it, you need more data, more research. Translation by Sergey Vasilenkov
Universe Gravity Einstein