What is going on in California? Three rare creatures found dead on the seashore

New finds of rare sea creatures. For one weeks.

This week it was reported that the training ship team Tole Mour and instructors from the Catalan Maritime Institute caught giant fish-belt (which is also called the herring king). The length of this creature was 5.5 meters.

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Instructor Jasmine Santana with fins and breathing tube plunged under water off the southern coast of California and unexpectedly saw a creature at the bottom, as if from ancient legends – a giant monster in silver scales.

In order to get the giant ashore, I needed help, at least 15 people.

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The largest representative of the fish-belt, which has been seen so far then did not reach a meter in length. This species of fish usually lives on more than a thousand meters deep, so meeting her is generally quite are rare.

It is reported that the giant creature discovered this time is clearly died of natural causes.

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Following the discovery of a fish-belt, the beach in Venice Beach was thrown a rare whale known for its saber-shaped teeth. Rare view – Commander’s Toothpick is also known as the saber-toothed whale. He had about 15 feet long. “These whales are incredibly rare and almost never found in the wild, “said expert Nick Fache LA Times The third rare creature the sea ashore one of California beaches on Friday.

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This time, it was again a fish-belt, it had a length of 13.5 feet, the carcass was found on the seashore in Harbor.

Three creatures that people can see very rarely turned out to be ashore in California for one week? What happens in fish kingdom?


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