What old what small

What is old, what is smallPhoto from open sources

An unprecedented case in forensics has occurred in France. IN one of the nights a kindergarten was defeated. The bandits infiltrated child care institution, breaking glass in the windows, then broke all the furniture and literally devastated the whole building.

It happened in the generally unremarkable town of Melen, which is now famous for this gangster raid on kindergarten. A business that it wasn’t too difficult for the police to figure out criminals, they just turned out to be them … children from five to thirteen years.

Police psychologists believe that a gang of children could be led adults (until proven), or, most likely, juvenile delinquents committed this act of vandalism under some impact (under which – not yet established, but presumably – it was a “group effect”).

A total of twenty-two juvenile delinquents were detained, as educational measures will be applied to them, over this Nobody has the right to punish children under French law. The most it is interesting that in a minor group there were children from both prosperous and dysfunctional families – this is also interesting material for police psychologists.

By the way, on the topic: not so long ago in London, the police covered a gang retirees, who robbed a bank depository. With one hand, the jackpot in this case was considerable – two hundred million pounds, but on the other hand – that, to older people in Foggy Albion has nothing more to do? And how pensioners grouped for such a robbery case as, by the way, and the French children? That’s really, as in the famous saying that old, that small …

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