Where did the green aliens come from eggs “?

The mysterious green 'alien eggs' strewn across Sydney's Dee Why BeachA photo from open sources

Scientists are puzzled by UFOs (unidentified floating objects) thrown to the beach in Sydney, writes dailymail.co.uk.

Guests from space or natural phenomena? Surf lovers and morning walks were stunned when they found thousands of “alien eggs on the beach in Sydney this weekend. Locals in Di Wai, cities of North Shore, reported having seen a large number of strange facilities that washed ashore during the night. Locals said they never saw anything like this while describing balls like “alien eggs”, “alien lumps of wool”, balls of Japanese moss and UFOs (Unidentified Floating Objects – unidentified floating objects).

Locals said they'd never seen anything like the green algae balls that washed ashore at Dee Why this weekA photo from open sources

“About three days ago, there were only a few ovoid balls, but today there are already many more, and they are everywhere on the beach, “said The Manly Daily Naravin resident Jenny Zhang. Scarlett de Villiers of neighboring davidson saw strange balls the next morning when went to the beach. “It was a windy day with a strong tide. I took one of them squeezed him, and he was so soft! And I was not sure is he alive, and was worried if I had damaged something inside! “she told the Daily Mail.” I was struck by which they all had perfect shape and how green and alive they are looked. “Associate Professor Alistair Pur of the School of Biology, Geological Sciences and Environment at the University of New South Wales stated that balls were probably a rare type of living green algae that have only been seen several times around to the world. “I saw things like that – sometimes dead sea grass can roll down and form balls like an underwater “tumbleweed”, but which is made of dead material. But they look “alive” he told the Daily Mail. ‘This is the habitus known as “aegagropilious”, when algae live freely on level ground (not on rocks) they are formed into spherical balls. Alan Millar from The Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust’s said algae balls ended up on the beach due to the fact that the right biophysical conditions, but these conditions do not happen every spring. “It clearly a “new answer” to spring good weather, and only the right ones wave conditions caused them, “said Mr. Millar. Scientists believe that algae fold into balls to protect themselves from fish and other predators or so that they can return to the sea when their nails to the shore. This is the second unusual natural performance, which could be observed on the beaches of Sydney for several weeks. Manly Beach waves fluoresced blue last month color for three nights due to “mixed” phytoplankton, apparently signaling the beginning of spring.

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