Where did the tornadoes go?

Where did the tornadoes go?Photo from open sources

Disciplined Americans Ahead of the Tornado Season prepared: checked shelters, prepared a stock of food, had conversations with the children. But March ends, and in the USA since then, only 4 vortices were recorded. People are perplexed – where tornado?

Dr. Greg Forbes from The Weather Channel explains that on average during March, 144 vortices occur, and since 1950 there have been only 2 seasons with as calm March as it is now. March 1951 3 vortexes happened in the year, and in March 1969 there were none at all. Talk that the tornado is getting smaller began back in last year when in March 2013 throughout the country recorded only 18 vortices. March 2013 was recognized “least tornadic” in the last 35 years. This year, meteorologists “planned” for March 49 tornadoes, but received only 4.

Meteorologists urge people not to be soothing statistics, because the calm start of the season does not say anything about him continuation. The same year 2013, which began with anomalous calm, lasted 4 hundred vortices, becoming the most violent in the last 10 years.

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