Which AAA batteries to buy: expensive or cheap?

Which AAA batteries to buy: expensive or cheap?Photo from open sources

Today, the most popular AAA and AA batteries are alkaline, while ordinary people are sure that the best of them are Energizer and Duracell – the notorious advertisement, and here came out the winner. And this is despite the fact that the phrase “advertising is a deliberate lie” today unless the newborn knows, and even that, probably, some time remembers her from a past life while modern educational the process will not knock out all this nonsense from his memory, so that exactly Then put the same again.

Is it really so with batteries? Just like that Alexey Nadezhin asked a question, having spent a lot of money and time, to test almost all commercially available items of the above type. The result of this analysis is literally stunned researcher. It turns out that in the price-capacity ratio of the battery Energizer and Duracell can be attributed to the worst, as they do not better in terms of performance of the cheapest items, but while their price is clearly biting …

A photo from open sources

According to Alexey, the best elements were Lexman, Diall, CMI, Auchan is blue, but these are all own brands, but worthy attention to the price-capacity ratio of batteries that are sold in any kiosk and store turned out to be GP Super and Vkusville.

The main conclusion of the test from an independent researcher Alexei Nadezhina: expensive batteries are no better than cheap ones. Therefore, if rephrase the Russian poet Alexander Pushkin, I want exclaim: you would not chase citizens, for the high cost! I.e do not watch ads on TV and the Internet, do not let those her very subconscious: there will be more money and health …

Time is money

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