Who and why invented “global warming “?

Who invented why?A photo from open sources

British environmental observer Stephen Cashier highly skeptically responds to a soap bubble inflated in the world under called global warming.

Stephen with a grin called this process not global warming, and the global farce of the developed countries of the world, whose lobbying groups against this background, intimidation of ordinary people of the planet more easily solved your personal financial tasks. And simply put – enriched for account of deceived earthlings.

At the same time, they deftly hide behind the most good-natured ones intentions. Try to oppose those who care about environment and descendants! Of course, everything is exclusively in favor. It remains in this case to constantly warm people’s fear about their environmental future, ordering corrupt researchers and reporters “scientific discoveries” and “scientific articles”, say, about the greenhouse effect, rising sea levels and so on.

Under the pressure of this false information, people become zombie sufferers who don’t even understand what throughout the history of our planet constantly occurred climate change. We generally live in an unstable world, which may disappear at any moment due to any space disaster, alien invasion (also not excluded), eruption of a giant volcano (won Yellowstone threatens give birth), the displacement of the axis of the Earth, etc. etc. No wonder Christians wisely say that everything is God’s will. True, they have their own “lobbyists from the faith” who are no less masterly intimidating parishioners hell and God’s punishment.

Climate lobbyists not only bully people with global warming, earning hundreds of billions of dollars, but still and deftly deflect all suspicions, switching attention earthlings on innocent people. For example, at the moment found a scapegoat – the impoverished African country of Zimbabwe, which had the imprudence to sign the well-known climate Convention, but can not reduce atmospheric emissions of harmful gases. It turns out who ate our porridge, that is, who’s the main the culprit in global warming!

By the way, we note that Russian scientists, analyzing climate changes on the planet over the past millions of years on the “map” unique lake Elgygytgyn, which is located in Chukotka, they say that soon global cooling will come sooner than warming. It turns out generally a fairy tale about a white bull. That’s just It’s a shame that someone, cleverly manipulating the consciousness of earthlings, is not bad at this tale earns …

Global warming

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