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Scientists have revealed the secret why from consuming fries, people don’t feel hamburgers and sweet carbonated drinks satiety, and this despite the fact that these products contain a huge amount of calories.
Scientists have conducted a number of studies, as a result of which they were able prove that fast food contains a lot of calories, fat and Sahara.
If a person eats, for example, one big hamburger, then the body receives a huge number of kilocalories, however nutrients will not be received – they simply are not there. it leads to the fact that literally in minutes a person loses feeling of fullness.
Nutritionists call this food “junk,” as in various sweets, french fries and similar products are not useful substances and vitamins.
For example, nuggets can never compare with this chicken breast. Chicken meat undergoes such a huge the amount of processing that it turns into ordinary refined starches.
Experts note that dietary fiber and protein significantly inhibit the digestive process, and the body receives less nutrients and vitamins that should be in full food. As a result, a person who has tasted fast food will quickly feel hunger.
On the other hand, there is a deception of your body. Fast food attracts with its affordability, as well as good taste qualities, however, bears practically no value for organism.