Why did the ozone hole form over Antarctica?

Why did an ozone hole form over the Antarctic?A photo from open sources

Any person caught in or in close proximity from an ozone hole, would be adversely affected, but, to fortunately, a hole formed over the Antarctic, where it does not bring substantial harm. The hole closes, some scientists say that closing it can accelerate global warming. However the exact consequences are unknown.

Jonathan Shanklin of the British Society for Research Antarctica, one of the scientists who discovered a hole in ozone, in 2010 National Geographic stated: “It’s very difficult to determine consequences, but all the facts suggest that it will affect the climate in the Antarctic. This could radically change the rise forecasts. ocean level. ”

Ozone itself is a greenhouse gas. However the ozone layer necessary to protect organisms from harmful effects ultraviolet rays.

Is it possible that the ozone hole allows pollutants leave Earth’s atmosphere, just as a balloon releases dirty gas? Shanklin replied to The Epoch Times in a letter that most pollutants such as nitrogen oxides and oxide carbon, “move in the lower atmosphere through oxidation and precipitation, so the possibility of their release into space does not even being considered. ”

Scientists continue to explore the ozone hole (more precisely, holes, because in recent years several have been discovered). In 2009 US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported that the main cause of ozone depletion is nitrogen oxides.

The reason for the thinning of the ozone layer is not only chlorofluorocarbons, but also nitrogen oxides

The effect of nitrogen oxides on the reduction of the ozone layer is known for decades now. In a 2009 study the extent of their impact is considered.

“Nitrogen oxides caused by human activities are currently time is the main reason for the decrease in the ozone layer “, – says A.R. Ravishankar, the main author of the study. Nitrogen oxide – it is a greenhouse gas generated by manure in industrial effluents, combustion and some other industrial processes. Bacteria nitric oxide is also emitted.

According to NOAA, approximately a third of nitrogen oxide emissions are caused by human activities.

Shanklin told National Geographic: “The main lesson we extracted, this is what the planet can quickly change the most in an unexpected way. No one expected to see something in Antarctica. like that. ”

Why is the decrease in the ozone layer most pronounced over Antarctica, not over populated regions where the atmosphere most polluted?

Why over the Antarctic?

Scientists explain the formation of a hole over the Antarctic as follows way. Chlorofluorocarbons released by aerosols and cooling units, transported to Antarctica by air streams. Due to special climatic conditions (long periods) extremely low temperatures) stratospheric clouds are formed.

In these clouds, complex chemical reactions occur. Chlorine, contained in chlorofluorocarbons is separated from other substances and persists in various states throughout the cold dark period. When the season changes and the intensity intensifies ultraviolet rays, chlorine atoms are released and destroy ozone layer.

According to scientists, such reactions do not occur in large scale in the Arctic, because there the temperatures do not drop so low and for such long periods of time as in Antarctica. In recent years, the situation has changed slightly and over The Arctic also began to observe a decrease in the ozone layer.

When, with the onset of summer heat, polar stratospheric clouds, chlorine reunites with other substances, and the ozone layer is being replenished.

Thus, the formation of an ozone hole away from sources chlorofluorocarbons made possible by a very complex chain processes. Ozone holes over populated regions could cause significant damage. The amount of chlorofluorocarbons is significant decreased, but nitrogen oxide emissions continue to penetrate stratosphere, so it remains only to observe how they affect predicted closure of ozone holes.

Antarctica Arctic Time Ozone Hole

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