Why disappear from Russian cities sparrows?

Why do sparrows disappear from Russian cities?Photo from open sources

You yourself may have noticed that until recently, the number of brownies sparrows in large Russian cities could not be counted, but now they’re disappearing somewhere, as if they no longer want to live next to the person.

Domestic ornithologists note that the population of these birds decreased over recent years several times. According to specialists, our feathered friends fell victim to ecosystem failure large cities, caused immediately by several significant factors.

Where did the sparrows go?

Representatives of the Russian Bird Conservation Union report that among the most famous causes of the extinction of sparrows are air pollution, increasing noise of megacities, and electromagnetic radiation from mobile towers. Moreover, problem in modern architecture. Smooth walls of high buildings thermal conductivity, roofs without eaves, lack of inaccessible nooks near balconies force sparrows to huddle now only on trees, lanterns and drains.

A photo from open sources

However, the main reason most likely lies in the fact that birds they simply cannot find food for themselves. Russian cities are getting cleaner: waste is disposed of, garbage containers securely close. It’s hard for small birds to get to edible waste. By the way, Moscow Zoo is probably the only place in the capital where the great many sparrows, because here they find plenty of familiar feed for yourself.

Do not forget that birds should feed something their chicks. Previously, everywhere there were large “wild” lawns, where caterpillars crawled in the tall grass, grasshoppers jumped and flew butterflies. Today, artificial turfs are poor in animals: grass short-haired, bushes regularly pruned, and the earth covered peat. As a result, sparrows, not adapted to life in nature, they don’t migrate anywhere from their homes, but simply starve, why their population in megacities is declining.

Birds Russia

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