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If you watched the movie “Mimino”, then probably remember the two main his heroes are Georgian (Vakhtang Kikabidze) and Armenian (Frunzik Mkrtchyan). But few people know that from this wonderful movie almost the most was cut out by Soviet censorship (according to directed by George Danelia) noteworthy (and funny, of course) episode. When Georgians and Armenians go down in the hotel elevator, their Japanese see, surprised to notice: God, how these Russians look like Each other.
A photo from open sources
We, the representatives of the white race, in turn, believe that all Japanese or Chinese, all blacks – almost on the same face, and very we are surprised that they, in turn, also perceive us. But why it happens? By the way, such a misperception interferes interracial relationships, leading, for example, to stereotypes and discrimination, often with real negative consequences (because of this, sometimes there are mistakes in choosing a criminal, because, say, white witnesses cannot pinpoint black suspect – they all look the same to them).
What studies on racial identification have shown
Not so long ago, the University of California research team in Riverside led by Brent Hughes (Brent Hughes) wondered an idea to find the answer to this question, because the reason for such a racial perception remains unclear to science so far.
American scientists put together a team of white people and checked using modern devices, how the human brain reacts to faces native and non-native race. It turned out that in the visual cortex neuronal activity increases dramatically when a new face appears white person, but the faces of a different race, our brain perceives for some reason passively – as one. For example, when changing faces Negro neurons of the white brain are practically not excited, as if he was looking at the same African American.
A photo from open sources
A group of researchers Brent Hughes did not get to the bottom the true causes of this brain behavior, that is, why nature created such a strange mechanism when representatives of other races perceived as one, although in his race a person can catch even the differences among the twins. The only thing that came to American scientists: human through specific training and motivations can be made to relate to other races differently, i.e. activate for this neurons of the visual cortex.
Or maybe aliens are to blame for this?
It’s clear that most people just don’t need it, and those few who are married couples for example white and blacks themselves after some time adapt to this problem, with surprised to notice that they begin to easily distinguish between faces of a different race. But the mystery remains: why did nature create this protective mechanism?
Maybe this is due to the formation of a reasonable person (see about this video below), which for millennia has not I came across representatives of other races, and therefore did not experience needs for identification of persons completely unlike usual his? But if we assume that aliens interfered in the human genome (there is such a theory of human origin), then we can say just about the mistake of their genetic experiment …