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This instructive story happened at the end of the last century in Italy. A large clairvoyant turned large an entrepreneur named Vincenzo Grassi who begged psychic to relieve his family of gravitating over him curses. The businessman assured the medium that just recently Grassi lived peacefully and happily, but at a certain moment everything was unexpected changed, and troubles fell on the family as from a cornucopia.
The man’s daughter fell off the bike and injured his back, thanks which was confined to a wheelchair. His son contacted some destructive sect and, having robbed his parents, fled from home. And the wife of Vincenzo, always distinguished by harmony and respecting diet, suddenly began to recover rapidly and weighed already under 300 kilograms. The very head of the family began to experience huge difficulties with his company and risked about to go broke, completely losing your business.
Grassy family curse brought on vacation stones
Grassi suggested that he and his loved ones were spoiled neighbors envious of the well-being of the family. Clairvoyant decided not to to rush to conclusions and, for starters, wished to visit the home Grassi family. Having crossed the threshold of a huge mansion, she came to horror. Black energy enveloped everything inside, as if it weren’t a house, but a slaughterhouse. The startled woman began to walk around the rooms, trying to find the source of this muck, and soon her searches were crowned success.
A photo from open sources
The psychic froze and pointed her hand at the bizarre stones, scattered on the table in the bedroom of the daughter of Vincenzo. Man reading a dumb question on her face, reported that shortly before the incident with a girl of tragedy she traveled to South America, from where and brought these stones of outlandish shape and amazing colors. Once in one of the villages of Bolivia, she saw them scattered along a country road and picked up to bring on homeland as a souvenir.
The medium explained that all the evil in the businessman’s family comes precisely from these stones. It turns out that the latin american warlocks use externally attractive pieces of minerals and rocks for magic rituals. Due to the fact that such stones considered to be excellent conductors of energy, sorcerers “dump” there all your negativity, illness of your patients and much more not good. At the same time, local residents, as a rule, are well aware of such “artifacts” and bypass them the tenth side.
A photo from open sources
Some cursed stones are so strong negative energy that can lead to crash trains and planes, having a negative impact on them. A if you bring such souvenirs to your home, you can soon go to the grave. This would probably happen to the Grassi family if its head did not manage to turn to the sensitiv for help. Female carried away the cursed stones, cleared the mansion of their evil energy, and Italians soon began to improve. Vincenzo’s daughter began gradually walk, the son returned home, the wife lost weight, becoming again slim and attractive, and our hero’s business again went to the mountain.
Norwegian Sylvia Christensen should not be picked up on vacation a rock
Another similar story happened a few years ago with Sylvia Christensen, 20 years old at that time, was a resident of Norway. After spending a vacation in the Marquesas Islands, the girl found near The hotel has an amazing orange naked with a silver pattern. Naturally, the student took this souvenir with her. However in the first day she returned to her homeland, supernatural the properties of the pebble made themselves felt. Our heroine was robbed on the street.
A photo from open sources
Stepdad Norwegians, learning about the loss of a stepdaughter of a decent amount, severely beat her and went to prison for it. Sylvia got to the hospital with fractures of ribs, nose and collarbone. When she was discharged from the hospital, she called a taxi to go home. Unfortunately, the driver he delivered the passenger to the wrong place. Taking Christensen to a wasteland far out of town, a taxi driver raped a girl and threatening reprisal in case of contacting the police, left home.
A month later, Sylvia found out that she was pregnant, however it was far from the worst. Doctors discovered she had syphilis, and the forecasts were very disappointing. After all these blows of fate Christensen committed suicide by leaving the kitchen stove.
A photo from open sources
Someone will say that pebbles picked up by Norwegian may not have attitude to her misfortunes, just coincided. It is possible, although in this life, as the wise say, there are no accidents, but there are and many other cases when, after being abroad beautiful pebbles travelers plunged headlong into the pool failures, and even real disasters. We brought only two an example. Draw conclusions, gentlemen …
Life Stones