Once full-flowing rivers that can now be wade are not soaking knees, boat stations, from the pier which is not even visible waters, once prosperous farms, now abandoned because in the district is not a drop of moisture …
These apocalyptic paintings are today’s California golden US state. “
Drying California
Photo from open sources
Photo from open sources
Photo from open sources
In California, drought has been rampant for the third year. Rivers are real have become shallow, many lakes have dried up, and swimming enthusiasts have arrived sadly walk along the bottom of the lake, fried by the sun to the strength concrete. In the artificial reservoir of Lake Mid, the water level is the highest low since inception (1937). In Folsom Lake, the largest on upstate, less than 17% of water left. California is already forced buying fresh water from neighbors. Long emptying ground sources, Californians drink water from artesian wells, but underground sources are not bottomless. The authorities are sounding the alarm: after 2 years there will be no water at all in the state. Independent experts accuse them of lying: in their opinion, water is barely enough for a year, maximum one and a half.
The dying center of agricultural USA
In California, 99% of all walnuts, almonds and artichokes, 95% broccoli, 81% carrots, 90% lettuce. What culture is not take – the picture is the same: 80-90% falls on California. The lion’s share of all American fruits and vegetables are grown precisely here. But for a long time farmers have been receiving water by quotas decreasing from year to year. California Agriculture Gets Today only 2/3 of the required amount of water. Fields, gardens perish run under a bulldozer. Half a million acres this year and remained unseeded. The losses of farmers are estimated at $ 1.7 billion. 14,500 people will be left without work.
Where did the water go? Is nature alone to blame for the coming disaster?
The main reason is man
American farmer no longer lives at the mercy nature. In hot, dry California, crops are grown, requiring constant irrigation. The rustle of banknotes drowned out the cries of green “Take care of the water!” They didn’t save water. Irrigation systems sucked hundreds of thousands of gallons of water and the once-flowing Colorado River turned into a miserable little pen. But if everything was limited only agriculture!
California is Hollywood, Silicon Valley, Aerospace industry, show business. People working in these areas are upper middle class. They live in separate cottages, and 60% of the water they consume is spent on watering near-plant plants. Many can not imagine life without a villa with a pool, lush a garden, a European lawn and a golf course. Many don’t even they suspect that they live almost in the semi-desert, where it rains – very rare, and every drop of water, albeit not worth its weight in gold, but requires savings.
Photo from open sources
State authorities in the fight for water
Authorities Take Titanic Efforts to Reduce Consumption water. Restrict lawn irrigation, prohibit the use of water for washing cars, fines for misuse water reaches $ 1.000, in some cities – $ 2.000. Malicious violators shut off the water supply. Authorities are willing to pay for elimination of lawns and lawns. Citizens are urged to monitor their neighbors and in case of squandering precious moisture to report it to the authorities what law-abiding Americans do with pleasure.
Photo from open sources
Santa Barbara, the richest city on the south coast (and the most a large waste of water) reported a reduction in water consumption in March-April by 40% compared with 2013. Overjoyed the state governor urged all Californians to take an example with santa barbarians (or santa barbarians?).
However, marijuana farmers (in California allowed) easily received from the state authorities a quota of 156,000 gallons (590,000 liters) of water per day !!!
California will die. And not drought will kill her. She will be destroyed by greed and corruption.