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American scientists from Memphis recently announced that they managed create a molecule that can convert fat in the human body a muscle cell, which in the future may become a panacea for the fight with obesity.
A molecule called beta-LGND2 converts fat into muscle mass and water due to the unique pigment that it It has. So far, experiments have been carried out only on experimental mice, which they quickly lost weight and at the same time felt just fine. The only side effect from the use of the drug is increased urinating however it is natural since unique the molecule also converts fat into moisture.
Researchers at the science center claim they are now facing them. the task is to test the drug in humans, but they do not doubt that their fantastic molecule in human the body will behave exactly the same as in the body mice, quickly and effectively combating body fat. So that it will soon be not only easy to lose weight, but also nice, especially for those involved in sports: muscle will quickly increase weight.
Scientists hope to soon provide a unique cure for obesity to the general public. However, many progressive journalists rather skeptical about this information. Naturally, the first and main question they asked the scientists was this: not will this panacea become another empty sensation when the strong of this world will simply be banned from producing it, since mass obesity, like other mass diseases on hand to the world to the government?
Journalists can be fully understood: periodically appear in the world unique in their properties medicines, for example, for cancer, however people continue to die en masse from this terrible disease twenty first century. Moreover, miserable, dying of cancer, becomes more and more. But will there be a new molecule of Memphis scientists the same sensational dummy without continuing?