A photo from open sources
This conclusion was made by scientists at Harvard University, and they did not take into account the previous fears of independent researchers about the numerous windmills that destroy birds and spoiling the appearance of the planet.
All these are trifles, writes in the publication Joule, one of the co-authors of this studies from Harvard Lee Miller, compared to what wind generators disturb the natural airflow of the Earth (high windmills, built in huge numbers on the seashores, for example, slow down and even redirect the flow of moist air, disrupting thereby established, perhaps millennia, transfer rates of sea moisture along the parallels and meridians of the “wind rose”), contributing to global warming on the planet with which Supporters of renewable energy are allegedly fighting. In fact it turns out the opposite, moreover, it is still unknown to which natural consequences, and therefore cataclysms, can lead similar human intervention in the natural course of things.
The findings of Harvard scientists were immediately criticized by side of many scientists of the world. But here’s what’s interesting to this discussion immediately conspiracy therapists who remembered that the powers that be, having hoisted humanity into oil and gas igloo, still have not shown any concern about development of “green energy”, whether it is wind or solar “euphoria”, but instantly destroyed (put on cloth) any inventions dangerous to their power, for example, inventions Nikola Tesla. Has wind generation already reached such a level what began to threaten the oil and gas tycoons? ..
On the other hand, we already wrote that the researcher is from Yakutia Anatoly Chomchoev believes that windmills and solar panels are all pampering, entertainment for the rich or, most likely, a distraction the public from a real problem in the energy sector. He offered his alternative energy option – get it using a portable atomic generator. And such inventors as Chomchoev, who find cheap and almost eternal sources of energy, and not harmful to the environment, a lot. But … like the Kulibins at best in case of ridicule, in the worst – remove (or simply force shut up).
Therefore, it is quite possible, supporters of the global conspiracy believe, that criticism from orthodox scholars of harvard researchers – this is just an attempt to prevent humanity from discovering the truth about modern “green energy”, which, at best case, ineffective (almost useless), at worst, as proved Harvard University employees – doing tremendous harm our planet …
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