With good music, IQ can be increased by 10 percent

With good music, IQ can increase by 10 percent.A photo from open sources

We suggest you watch an interesting video about the impact of music per person. Of course, much has already been said, written and shown, however, this material is not quite ordinary.

Firstly, thanks to him, you will learn (or refresh) that represents music, as it, being transformed, reaches our brain and what is doing there. It is safe to say that for many will be a real discovery.

Secondly, it is interesting to know the following. During the “musical” experiments in three groups of people with the same IQ created different conditions, thanks to which they sat in complete silence for 15 minutes, others relaxed with a pleasant melody, the sound of the sea and so further, and the third all this time listened to Mozart’s music. Last for these 15 minutes increased their IQ by as much as 10 percent, while participants in the first two groups showed no changes. True, the mental leap was not very long – no more than half an hour, however … And why, For example, before the exam, do not listen to Mozart? Or before responsible meeting?

Thirdly, good music, as it turned out, is faster and better. consolidates achievements in physical exercises, say, in sports, in practicing some production techniques and so on. Moreover, in in this case, the results do not disappear so quickly, but persist for a long time. And if you constantly them reinforce? Understand how amazing success you can to achieve, if you choose the right music for this …

And finally, good music just heals us (the Mozart effect), and that’s bad – cripples. However, there are many conflicting opinions, and science clearly says only one thing: classical music is the best medicine, and Mozart’s works occupy this row is a special place of honor. Why? Nobody knows that, but just remember that the famous French actor Gerard Depardieu since childhood was a stutter, while he really wanted to become an artist. He was cured by one of the connoisseurs of music and its influence on man. is he let Gerard listen to Mozart – every day for at least half an hour. AND the future great actor got rid of stuttering – forever.


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