A photo from open sources
Probably everyone remembers the hype fanned around predicted Apocalypse last December. Millions of people stale stocks of candles, canned goods, cereals and tents, preparing for the “days of darkness and silence”, as allegedly predicted a certain “lama from Gyandreka”, who turned out to be a simple hoax, like his quack prophecies. But, it turns out, in order to turn any problem into a global threat, not be sure to use the vague inventions of astrologers, psychics and even space-hungry scientists-cosmologists. The creation of false sensations has long been put on stream – in medicine. The World Organization particularly succeeded in this. Health – led by its CEO Margaret Chen So, the funeral prophecies of the WHO 4-year-old are still fresh in my memory ago about the “deadly swine flu.” Done this UN office can be a role model the most skilled PR specialists. On the WHO site in real time time published ever-increasing numbers of cases in the world, here impressive numbers of the already dead were listed. Atmosphere was pumping hopelessness and horror. Of which, however, was “the only way out “- purchase of the miracle drug” Tamiflu “. And, of course, in a hurry vaccines were created against the “deadly” virus. Result of this global campaigns have become profitable pharmaceutical companies mainly with an American-Swiss residence permit. And died from “swine” flu of 6 thousand people. A lot of course, but it’s in the whole world. While the victims of the most ordinary seasonal flu epidemics usually becomes at least half a million lives. But for some reason no one bells about this – all they’ve gotten used to it for a long time. However, about swine flu and WHO, and the world the public has already forgotten a little. Next in line are new “heroes” of the day. “This, of course, is a” deadly “coronavirus – and a new H7N9 Avian Influenza strain. Perhaps it’s lighting situations with the latter is just a classic example of how an elephant is made out of a fly. Here is an excerpt from a news post, replicated by a number of media. “Chinese bird strain H7N9 flu infects birds and human cells equally easily. Besides In addition, scientists noticed that the properties of the new strain of bird flu make it virtually invisible to the immune system. For spring 130 Chinese were ill with them, about half of the patients died. It also became known that the flu is transmitted from person to to man. In addition, the virus is very contagious because it is easy “clings” to outgrowths on the cells of the trachea and lungs of people and birds. ” Consider this information more closely. So the indicated flu “very contagious, invisible to the immune system.” In a word, just some kind of plague, the causative agent of which, although it was not “invisible” to human immunity, but caused on his part so strong the reaction that it ended for the patient is very disastrous. Mortality from the bubonic form of the plague reached 95 percent, from pulmonary – up to 99. However, a new “bird” strain, as cited data, generally not visible to immunity. That is, stop it when ingestion of nobody and nothing – specific antiviral there are very few drugs. So, according to the logic of things, he should have a 100 percent mortality rate. How commonplace infections in AIDS patients, when their own immunity no longer fights, affected by HIV. However, for some reason, out of 130 patients, only half. Also does not stand up to criticism and the thesis about the creepy the infectivity of the new strain, because it was not revealed somewhere in the polar stations or in a high mountain village, from where to the inhabited places thousands kilometers, and in densely populated areas of China. Where to the people – how herring in a barrel. All are in contact with each other, go to crowded public transport, chatting at work and at home. At the same time, they don’t go in suits and plague suits – yes even gauze masks stopped wearing after the epidemic subsided SARS a dozen years ago. Yes, at the time of the epidemics but the plague, the number of victims in Europe and China was in the millions. IN Avignon, the then papal residence, died out 80 percent, Germany lost the same amount, the island of Cyprus is almost completely depopulated. The record in the Russian annals of that time about the outcome of the epidemic in Smolensk, “I live seven (this is all townspeople!) – and they are from a hail of harassment and its gates are shut. “But the then black death pandemic, originating in China in the middle 30s of the XIV century, traveled to Europe and Russia more than one and a half decades. Communications were too slow back then. Now now contagious virus for spreading around the world a few days are enough – thanks to the developed air service and the presence of asymptomatic carriers and patients among passengers incubation period. However, the highly contagious H7N9 virus is not only did not leave the borders of China, but also in the Middle Kingdom managed infect only a half hundred and fifty people. Somehow not enough for the “new plague”, isn’t it? The last myth in this series is high mortality from the new bird flu. Still somehow it’s scary when half of the sick die – even if relatively small infectivity. In fact, here goes banal “juggling” with statistics. After all, to identify the virus is not so just, let’s say, a bacterium. For laboratory diagnostics the latter you just need to take a swab from the nasopharynx (or another place) sow on a nutrient medium in a petri dish, put on glass under microscope, stained “Gram” – and observe what kind of rubbish the afflicted. With viruses, this process goes much more difficult. You won’t see them under an ordinary microscope – only under electronic. In normal agar-agar media, these organisms do not breed – only on chicken embryos (eggs). Yes, and the conclusion the presence of a strain is not visual observation, but on indirect grounds. Most commonly used immunological methods for determining not so much the virus itself, but antibodies to it in the human body. It’s clear that this whole “kitchen” very cumbersome, expensive and not for everyone and not always available. Again, not all go to hospitals too sick, but only the most difficult. Here, half of them survive, which the desired virus is precisely and detected in well-equipped laboratories. How is this, alas, often the case with the most ordinary seasonal flu causing severe meningitis, encephalitis, life-threatening damage to the heart, kidneys and other organs. A thousands and millions of other patients feel only a small runny nose and fever, maximum – a standard “bouquet” at ordinary flu. This is how the unhealthy come into the light of God sensations about the next “virus threatening humanity.” Yes and how can they not appear if the main sponsor of the World Organization Health care companies are all the same pharmaceutical companies. Yuri Nosovsky
Viruses Life Time China Birds Epidemics