Woman and science – incompatible concepts?

Woman and science - incompatible concepts?A photo from open sources

That is what the American scientists wanted to find out. Such the study is not accidental, it is caused by the fact that in science, as American and global women, in comparison with men, not a lot at all, not to say a few. Why is that going on? Indeed, in civilized countries there is no discrimination on gender.

After conducting a survey among almost two thousand representatives fair sex (among which were specialists from various fields human activity, including ladies with advanced degrees), researchers have concluded that women are scared away from science so called the “cult of geniuses.” As scientists have found out, the point here is not even that among the fair sex there are few talents and a genius, just a woman perceives some attitudes differently. For example, if students are taught what is required in mathematics or physics extraordinary ability to achieve something, then men they understand this as a challenge (it even inspires them), and women as warning (this scares them off).

Now, American scientists want to find out how consciously (or subconsciously) a woman refuses to go into science, or there are still some discriminatory levers that deftly used by men?

It’s not clear why the researchers don’t take into account the fact that a woman is not a getter (science is the same hunt, but instead mammoth can be an extremely complex formula), and first of all the keeper of the hearth and the continuer of the clan. May need take this factor into account?

And on the other hand, it’s not clear why so many women in art and show business? That’s where the formula “need certainly be a genius “is used to its fullest! And, nevertheless less, it doesn’t frighten the weaker sex, it doesn’t scare away anything inspires …

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