A photo from open sources
During the next fast food contest Nela Zisser managed to eat about 20 cheeseburgers in just 16 minutes.
New Zealand resident Nela Zisser decided to break the record his rival Eric Lamkin, who ate the same amount cheeseburgers in 18 minutes and 20 seconds. To replay rival, the contestant used water that moistens fat burgers and allows you to eat them much faster.
“There was a lot more food than I expected,” Nela says. “During the last experiment, I managed to eat 20 “cheeseburgers in 16 minutes 11 seconds, but I wanted more!”
The desire to beat the record of his rival led the woman to serious consequences, including adding 8,000 calories, obtained from cheesecake with 50 sticks of mozzarella cheese.
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