The war in Syria, which is expected from day to day, may to end with World War III, as experts and ancient prophecies. Moreover, it is now clear that in the declared as three- day bombardment to prevent the use of chemical weapons against civilians operation may get involved in 20 countries.
“If the Americans go to the ground operation, it may well be Russia will get involved in the war. Then it will definitely be the Third World, – said Russian military expert Viktor Baranets. – Of course, on Iran will act on the side of Syria, ready to expose several million bayonets, and then Israel can get involved. In general, everything will be very Seriously”.
A photo from open sources
Several prophecies say that the end of the world will be provoked by the war in Syria. So, the famous clairvoyant Wang repeatedly talked about the impending global change in the world, True, without giving an exact date. “Will this time come soon? No, not soon. Syria has not fallen yet! Syria will collapse at the feet of the winner, but the winner will be wrong! One Russia will be saved. Exist ancient Indian (Aryan) doctrine. It will spread throughout to the world. New books will be printed about him, and they will be read everywhere on The earth. It will be the Fiery Bible. The day will come and all religions will disappear! A new teaching will come from Russia. She will be the first to be cleansed. ”
In the Revelation of Ivan the Theologian, the Apocalypse describes events preceding the end of the world and the second coming of Jesus Christ: “The Sixth Angel sounded a trumpet, and I heard one voice from four horns of the golden altar standing before God, speaking to the sixth To the angel who had the trumpet: free the four Angels who are bound by the great Euphrates River. “Four angels liberated by the Euphrates River, – it can be Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran, on the territory of which this river flows.
According to the scriptures of another prophet Isaiah, Damascus will turn into a pile of ruins: “Damascus is excluded from the number of cities and will a pile of ruins. The cities of Aroer will be abandoned – will remain for herds that will rest there, and no one will scare them. Not the stronghold of Ephraim and the kingdom of Damascus will become with the rest of Syria; with them will be the same as with the glory of the sons of Israel, says the Lord Of hosts. ”
Now the question of the bombing is stalled in the US Congress. But it is possible that Americans will return to this topic in a few weeks or months.
“Obama has repeatedly made it clear that he does not believe Assad. Americans can demand the removal and destruction of Syria’s chemical stockpiles, and Damascus won’t do. The escalation of the conflict may happen again, ”said Russian political scientist Sergey Markov.
There is a way out of the crisis
There was a chance to avoid the bombing of Syria and, accordingly, a possible third world war. Barack Obama agreed with Russia’s proposal not to attack Syria if Damascus will transfer chemical weapons under international control. Damascus doesn’t seem to be against.
“This offer has been agreed in advance and is very beneficial the Syrian side, since the threat of an attack on chemical warehouses of militants was very real, – said “Today” the Russian orientalist Said Gafurov, who met with the Syrian Foreign Minister on Monday. -Chemical stocks will remain in Syria, but will be controlled by international experts. Syria is even profitable to declassify these warehouses, since they exist not so much to use these weapons as to intimidate a potential adversary – Israel. At the same time such a way out of the crisis is beneficial to Obama – Congress will not give him permission to bombard and somehow the president will have to abandon their military plans. ”
World War III – US Strategy
In 1938, England and France with their own hands pushed Hitler to war, allowing him to occupy Czechoslovakia and authorizing Anschluss of Austria. But then the onset of the brown plague could stop. Show London and Paris more determination, Europe is not it would have been in ruins after 7 years and there were not 70 million dead. On the European ash has grown a new global empire – the United States. North America received huge financial income from both the Second World War II, and from the post-war reconstruction of Europe and was able to fully recover from the effects of the Great Depression. A photo from open sources Now we are in the initial phase a global crisis that could last ten years, and similar, and possibly even stronger than the depression that befell the world in the 20-30 years of the last century. But now the US is preparing for overcoming the crisis.
The United States creates both process conditions reindustrialization -, restoration in a full technological cycle North American industry and for the appearance of the enemy with which, after the crisis, could unleash a new World War, capable of giving the United States more than 100 years of progressive economic development. Over the past 10 years, americans have done significant step in the development of its fuel and energy complex that influenced a change in US policy in the Middle East. If 10 years ago the White House, conducting military interventions, the aim was to control for themselves comfortable level of oil prices, now the US is interested in only one thing – in the increase in the difference in quotes between Brent crude oil, traded in Europe and North American WTI the market. US growth in Brent quotes is beneficial, as it allows relative to Europe and Asia to lower production costs by American territory without reducing labor costs.
With the change of goals, politics has changed. America does not seek create controlled regimes in the Arab world whose task would ensure the uninterrupted supply of oil and gas. Now The United States leaves behind the chaos of civil war, death and destruction. The United States set fire to the entire Middle East and northern Africa – Brent crude oil quotes remain above $ 110 per barrel, in Europe and in China there is a reduction in production. However if we look at countries for which lately the so-called Arab spring flashed, then we will see that in all In these countries, secular nationalist regimes formed. Despite Europeans-specific conditions, development nation states in the Middle East and North Africa similar to the development of nation states in Europe from the end of the 19th century and until the outbreak of World War II. After the crash continental empires caused by the aftermath of the first world war, in Europe formed a nationalist state. In many of them respected the rights of national minorities and religious denominations. About the same situation was in Libya and in Egypt and is still preserved in Syria. By the way, Iran can be said follows the path of Spain under the rule of General Franco. Gain nation states inevitably leads to the formation of an elite, vitally and financially interested in preserving and enriching their national state. And even if the members of the elite were fed by foreign countries, these elites themselves begin uphold national interests, often at odds with interests of former sponsors. For Iran, Syria, Egypt and Libya the European market is the only one where you can supply oil and gas with low transportation costs. What for Europe means lower energy prices. But it goes against with US plans for new industrialization. It is no coincidence that the unrest in Syria began exactly after between Syria, Iran and Iraq reached an agreement to lay a gas pipeline to which Iranian gas destined for Europe was supposed to delivered to Syrian LNG terminals. In the 30s of the past centuries in Europe, not without the influence of Nazi Germany and fascist Italy, with the tacit connivance of France and Great Britain, the elites of new nation states leveled in a short time democratic institutions by establishing pro-Nazi or pro-fascist regimes. The persecution of national and religious minorities. Organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood, professing radical forms of Islam, can be attributed, according to European tradition, to religious pro-fascist organizations. “Muslim Brotherhood” trying to establish radical religious regimes in the Arab world, sponsored by the closest US allies Qatar, Jordan and Saudi Arabia are, to put it mildly, no different neither democracy nor religious tolerance. Against their background, Iran can call a state making huge strides in democratization and in the development of secular society. After the USA sowed chaos in the Middle East in the Arab world can form radical religious regimes to be combined into one huge caliphate. Like the Third Reich, this caliphate will have close ties with the US financial world. As with Nazi Germany, many North American bankers and industrialists are interested in the creation of such a caliphate. While the US economy comes out crisis and a new robotic industry is developing in the USA, religiously extremist caliphate will be able to accumulate enough amount of weapons to wage a full-scale war. In the same time in Europe, in a deep crisis, will be created socio-political situation in which emergence is possible new authoritarian empire. Moreover, the role of strangers, on which will write off all the troubles, and, above all, expensive oil, will perform Muslims or Arabs. World war will become inevitable. The reason may be a terrorist attack in Europe, which will be a retaliatory step towards the deportation of Muslims or organization concentration camps for Arab terrorists. Third world war will bring destruction on such a colossal scale that the United States will be able to systematically develop for over 100 years without social shocks on its territory. Not to mention the profit which the Americans plan to get from the war itself. In this regard understand the reluctance of Europe and the main ally of the United States of Great Britain get involved in a war with Syria. NATO bloc also decided to step back from Syrian adventure. But, in principle, the US alliance refusal only on a hand. With the above scenario, NATO does not need Americans, because they will try to wage the third world war with the wrong hands, joining her at the last stage, as it was in the first and second world war. The North Atlantic bloc may prematurely, and quite perhaps not on the right side, to draw the Americans into the slaughter. Rather All in all, NATO awaits the fate of the UN, with which the United States has long been ignored uses it as a tool to promote exclusively his interests. The interests of the USA and Europe have never been so opposite than now. However, as in the 30s of the 20th century France and Britain were more frightened by the chimera communist threat than the obvious facts of preparation Hitler to war, and now Europe prefers to see more a threat in Russia, than to admit an obvious fact – the USA ceased to be the guarantor of European security and become a pushing force Europe and the world to the third world war. Author Maxim Reva
According to the media
Angels Africa Barack Obama Great Britain War Time Germany Egypt Israel Iran End of the World NATO crisis Russia Syria USA