Wounds that “presented” unusual abilities

Side by side with the familiar and familiar always adjoins the unconscious shadow of something intangible and unknown. Professor Gannushkin, the master of national and world psychiatry, did not say in vain: “And in the XXI century, we will plow the plow in the matter of the brain …” The fierce battle continued for an hour, when ordinary conscripts from A limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan Sergey Alferov felt a stupid blow to the head and lost consciousness. how then he was told by the nurses who were on duty on that ill-fated day BCP (camp field hospital), his lifeless body immediately placed in the morgue. And where else? After all, none of those examined Sergei – neither the platoon commander, nor the medical staff – did not arise shadow of doubt that he is dead: a bullet entered the frontal part of the head and left the occipital, leaving behind a torn wound canal. Injured,Photos from open sources Indeed, such injuries incompatible with life. But, contrary to all medical postulates and the experience of the military Aesculapius, Sergei, lying on the table in the morgue, suddenly he stirred and sighed longly, frightening to death the nurse. With a cry: “They put a living soldier in the morgue! bottom, no tires! “- she rushed out. And then Sergey gradually ended up on the operating tables of the Kabul hospital, then Tashkent clinic and, finally, the Military Medical Academy named after CM. Kirov in Leningrad. The six most difficult operations carried out the best neurosurgeons of the country, inspired hope for survival. But what will it be? Guarantee that he will not remain primitive biological object, does not turn into a “vegetable”, no one could give. Paralysis of the facial muscles, impaired motor function of the legs – this is the best case is a stroller and a first disability group. And he still only 19 years old! And Sergey’s mother, having quit her job, took up health and fate of the son. In search of a panacea, she came across a newspaper article stating that at the P.F. Lesgaft can to help in such hopeless situations. And indeed Lesgaftovtsy immediately came to the rescue. Yes, even with such zeal and the constancy that two years later Sergey Alferov is on his own moved on his own legs. I must say, a bullet wound in the guy radically transformed the guy. And for the better. This, of course, is not about appearance and physical capabilities, but about his spiritual and intellectual self. Paradoxically, but a fact. If in Sergey’s school in all disciplines barely reached the “troika”, then at the Institute of Water Transport, where after recovery entered, he is in the forefront of excellent students. He plays the guitar and sings although before the wound did not show any musical abilities, believed that a bear had stepped on his ear. Clairvoyant involuntarily 19-year-old Damask got even more terrible injuries Syrlybaev, electrician from the Orenburg region. He climbed the pole and … was immediately attracted by a powerful electromagnetic field – electricians forgot to turn off the voltage on the line. To hold on Bulat grabbed the high-voltage wire. He felt a lot of pain everything seemed to boil inside, and before his eyes, as if alive, it arose deceased parents … A metal seat belt burned the body … Damask steel saw fingers turning to ash, and lost consciousness. Then the hospital will establish that the guy’s left burned shoulder blade, lung and four ribs. This hole is the size of a football a ball yawning in the back of his little brother hanging on a pole, saw Tanas, who immediately lost consciousness. All nearby hospitals waved away from the patient: not a tenant. The regional burn center accepted. A week and a half in resuscitation, Bulat was injected with morphine – albeit on that the light will leave without torment. But he regained consciousness and survived. Through for a while, others began to notice strange things behind him: will tell the bride not to go to the market – the bus will get into an accident; then he will tell neighbors who have lost their notes, looking for his the sheep, that she perishes in a ravine from hunger. Or he’ll suddenly say: “Not believe the forecast, there will be no heat, all week – heavy rain. “And because it came true! Doctors do not undertake to explain this phenomenon, but Bulat just glad that he survived. Gifts of electricity

What people open after shock or lightning unusual abilities, many examples say. Here are the results observations of people who received a powerful electric shock, according to Environmental Information Agency “INECO”:

Crane operator of the Donetsk mine Yulia Vorobyova, who survived the blow with a voltage of 380 volts, which lost sight at the same time, the ability to see people through.

Lipetsk resident Dmitry remained unhurt after a strong blow current and discovered the ability to absorb poisons and predict future.

In Komi, in the Sosnogorsk district, a 12-year-old boy survived after contact with a voltage of 110,000 volts, he received burns third degree and learned to predict the future.

Great One-Eyed Serious Injuries Happened to get the famous commanders – Field Marshal Kutuzov and English Admiral Nelson. And who knows if these injuries have become the reason for their strategic gift. As usual, famous people and myths follow after death. One of these myths we owe Hollywood directors and screenwriters, at the request of film producers “ennobled” Nelson with a black bandage that crossed his face from the forehead to the lobe of the right ear. And Eldar Ryazanov, filming “Hussar ballad, “made Igor Ilyinsky appear before the audience with blindfold. However, despite being injured, neither Field Marshal nor Admiral never lost their eyes and never wore black pirate bandages! Let us turn to the facts. At the first wound in 1774, a bullet entered the left temple and left at the right eye of Mikhail Illarionovich. In the second, received in 1788 during the siege of Ishmael, the bullet will penetrate passed from temple to temple behind the eyes. Doctors Kutuzova Aesculapius dumbfounded. Why dumbfounded there! They refused to believe that before them a living person. According to all the canons of medical science, the wound was deadly, and our hero (at that time still a major) not only survived, but and reached the heights of military art – became a field marshal! Catherine the Great, having learned of his injury, immediately highlighted to him from his imperial bins 10 thousand rubles in silver (according at that time – an astronomical amount!) for treatment on a resort in the German Baden-Baden. As a result, the function of the left eye was fully restored, right – 30%. But this is not a reason to wear a bandage! There is no bandage and not a single lifetime portrait of Admiral Nelson, although he had a severe wound to his right eyes. Admiral only left, healthy eye covered from the sun rays with a special eyecup embedded in a hat. Nelson was not blind in one eye, not at all! In 1794 during the siege of France the Calvi fortress on the deck of his ship burst a cannonball, and chips from the boards damaged the right eye of the naval commander, so seriously, that he almost leaked out. And although the eye has almost completely lost its sharpness view, looked healthy. And so healthy that Nelson with great difficulty managed to convince the commission of the naval forces UK that he is entitled to a disability pension. Photos from open sources Here on Trafalgar Square in London the great admiral without any bandage! They began to draw on it only after Nelson’s death – to give more solemnity and rigidity of his portraits. Nelson used his wound more than once with benefit for yourself. During the battle of Copenhagen in 1801, he ignored the signal of his superior, admiral sir hyde Parker, to the retreat. Being in a better position, he saw that the Danes were about to take flight, and said to the captain of your flagship: “You know, Fowley, I only have one eye, and sometimes I I have the right to be blind. “Then he brought the spyglass to the” blind ” eye and said: “I do not see any signal from the commander!” In time in Naples began, which lasted until his death Nelson’s love story with Lady Emma Hamilton, British wife the ambassador. Emma’s father was a blacksmith, and she herself before marriage – underage London prostitute, prohibitively fat and who spoke on the ugly slang of commoners from the trushob. But this already a completely different story … Igor Atamanenko “Miracles and Adventure February 2014


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