Wunderkind artist grows in China

Wunderkind artist is growing in ChinaPhotos from open sources of

The video below is shot in China. His made the parents of an amazing little artist who like It is said, more recently, I got out of the diaper. Got out and started right there to draw, and almost professionally.

The baby also doesn’t really know how to hold a felt-tip pen in her hand, completely clasping his palm. But at the same time she confidently displays lines and patterns, in this case perfectly draws kitties, not at all worse than adult professional artists.

It is striking and even alarming. Each of us, even one of those who draws well today, knows that such art in childhood it turns out badly – mostly some scribbles. Probably exactly for this reason, this video has become viral on the Internet. However in addition to enthusiasm, it caused some bewilderment and even skepticism of users. There were many users who considered all this is fake, they say, modern computer tools allow not yet create such “illusions.”

True, explain how this can be done and why so far no one, except the parents from the Middle Kingdom, had guessed before (with UFO and haunted there are all sorts of fake videos walking in World Wide Web), skeptics have failed. Their explanations that under the paper lies a tracing-paper with drawings or shooting is under some kind of a fantastic angle, just do not stand up to criticism. Watch the video and you will immediately understand it.


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