To get a detailed x-ray of a biological cells – down to individual molecules – scientists are forced to subject its effects of preservative chemicals. It not only kills cell, but also changes its internal structure, making it difficult to obtain an accurate picture of her natural state. Now, scientists from German research center DESY found a way around this problem by getting the world’s first x-ray separate living cells.
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In an article published in the journal Physical Review Letters, “the team described the cortex cancer cell conservation system. adrenal glands alive during x-ray examination. They raised cells on silicon nitride films that are nearly transparent for x-rays by supplying nutrients and removing waste metabolism from cells through tiny 0.5 mm channels.
Since long exposure in high energy X-rays can damage or even kill a living cell, researchers used short 0.05 second flashes radiation, which allowed us to get so clear pictures that structures of even nanometer scale are visible on them.
A similar technique for obtaining super-clear images of living structures can revolutionize our ideas about the internal cell structure and processes occurring in it. And given that standard chemical fixation procedures alter cell structure – she already produced it.