You need to eat in front of the mirror

You need to eat in front of a mirrorPhotos from open sources of

Researchers from the University of Central Florida the other day published the phenomenal results they obtained by studying human nutrition. Scientists have concluded that for more correct the choice and eating of food to a person is not necessarily thorough to study this issue and become a kind of guru in it.

Everything ingenious is simple

To do this, it is enough to eat in a room with mirrors. And than more of them is better. As it turned out, when a person sees (as if from the side), the table is served, what it should eat, then harmful for health, dishes become less attractive to him and less tasty, but healthy food, say, fresh vegetable salads and fruits are perceived, on the contrary, with joy and increased appetite.

Scientists have conducted a series of tests in which hundreds volunteers. If people were in a restaurant with an abundance of mirrors, then they intuitively chose between, say, cake and fruit salad certainly the last. Moreover, if they were asked to evaluate one or another dishes to taste, they spoke very negatively about those that traditionally considered harmful to the human body, for example, about fried meat, hamburgers and so on.

A photo from open sources

At the same time, participants in the experiment who ate in the room without mirrors, preference was given to unhealthy food, and it seemed to them tasty and enjoyable.

What is the reason

The opinion of experts why this happens is divided. One of they believe that mirrors make a person evaluate themselves objectively and customized to social standards that most cases outline a circle of unhealthy products.

Other scientists tend to think that mirrors awaken the subconscious a person in whom true knowledge is hidden, what is useful and what harmful to the body, we must assume that in this case for everyone eater, such “mirror restrictions” will become individual. So it or not, further studies that American scientists want to deepen and expand.

A photo from open sources

Hang a mirror in the kitchen

Only one thing is certain: in front of a mirror a person becomes more reasonable in eating food. For this reason, researchers recommend installing mirrors in fast food restaurants, which are most unhealthy foods. However, it is unlikely the innovation will appeal to the owners of such institutions. It is hard to imagine, that same McDonald’s Corporation tomorrow will begin to implement SLR lounges in its many eateries around the world. Rather on the contrary, having learned about such an experiment by American scientists, it will remove the latest mirrors where they are installed for beauty and solidity. By at least, he will certainly advise you to do it yours franchisees …

But for a Russian person, for example, the main ones are homemade breakfasts, lunches and dinners (especially breakfasts and dinners), so you should consider purchasing additional mirrors in the house, especially – about their constant registration in the kitchen and dining room.

A photo from open sources

Health Mirrors

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