You need to treat meat as a medicine

You need to treat meat as a medicinePhotos from open sources Today, scientists around the world come to the conclusion that meat – this is not food, but, most likely, as the sages of the Ancient China’s medicine. That is, you need to use it in a very limited quantity and carefully choosing (as we choose in drugstore) by type of animal, variety and quality.

In this case, it’s best to grow meat for yourself, even in this case, rely on the knowledge of specialists. And already when buying meat – and even more so. But how is it estimated in this case cannibalism?

It turns out that human meat saves our body from a number of neurological diseases, for example, Alzheimer’s disease. TO this conclusion was made by British doctors (Medical Research Council), for many years, starting in 1950, studying cannibals New Guinea (Papua).

The tribe of foret who lives completely isolated from everything of the world and still practices cannibalism, not subject to any neurological diseases. Of course, scientists say, in many ways clean air, fresh fruit and vegetables. However, terrible cannibalistic meals help Papuans develop immunity against disorders the functioning of the brain.

However, doctors noticed that once cannibals exceed a certain rate of consumption of human meat, they have right there another disease arises – “laughing death” or kuru.

Research at London Medical Center helps scientists understand the mechanism of influence of one or another meat on us. No wonder Mongols and Tatars ate horse meat in order to be swift and hardy, and North Koreans, still massively using dog meat, are distinguished by some kind of canine devotion to their the leader. Crazy chicken since the thirties of the last century, led to the dullness of the American nation, which negatively affected Russia, when here at the end of the past Centuries literally gush “Bush’s legs.”

A photo from open sources

So the passion for meat is not such a harmless occupation as it seems at first sight. It is no accident that movement is expanding in the world vegetarians and raw foodists, who, despite all the attacks on them orthodox medicine and nutritionists, thanks to nutrition (without meat) exempt from many diseases, not obese, look much younger than their peers and, most importantly, not subject to one of the main ailments of modern society – depression.

A small remark as a postscript: do not believe that has filled everything media advertising that chicken is very useful for good health. This is a lie funded by tycoons poultry industry. By the way, these magnates themselves broiler chicken is not eaten, but consumed in small quantities so called marbled beef, which is grown on special farms where cows are fed so sophisticated and costly technologies that this food (and the content too) could envy many of us.


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